Friday, November 29, 2019

Remember These Cover Letter Musts

Remember These Cover Letter MustsRemember These Cover Letter MustsA cover letter isnt optional equipment when it comes to your resume in fact, its the only chance youll probably get to communicate directly with the hiring manager. Your cover letter is your chance to shine, if youre really up to the task. Some job-seekers treat these valuable documents as little more than an introduction to their resume, but cover letters can be so much more if you invest the time to craft them well. Dont forget these cover letter mustsWhats In It For Me?Perhaps the biggest mistake job seekers make, from resume writing through executive resume writing, is formatting their job package as a list of characteristics and events, but completely forgetting the obvious question every employer needs answered. When someone reads your resume, they dont just want the facts, they want to know how those facts can be applied to their particular problems the Whats In It For Me? Factor.Sure, you have management ski lls, but your cover letter is a powerful place to showcase how that can be translated into a real benefit for the employer. Selling yourself is just like selling a vacuum cleaner your best features arent enough, the world needs to see how they translate into solutions.Your Knowledge of the CompanyIn order to really wow your future employer with the benefits you can bring to the company, you have to understand what it is that they do and how youll fit into the framework. This is where your research skills will come in to play. Get online, read up on the company and find out exactly what makes that corporate heart beat.Show your employer you bothered to understand the company by including a short statement or two that demonstrate how youll fit into the corporate culture and how your experience is pertinent to the particular position youre applying for. Remember, your resume is meant to enhance your resume, so dont just regurgitate whats on that document nows the time to elaborate.Te ll them how your last job welches all about customer retention and since theyve been losing revenue to the competition, you think youre the perfect person to bring about a stop to the problem. Even if youre just looking for a job in the mail room, theres something you have that youre bringing to the job that no one else can offer figure out what that is and showcase it in your cover letter.Some Indication You Want the JobBelieve it or not, its not considered bad manners to ask for the job youre seeking in some subtle way in your cover letter. Many employers like to see that a future employee is enthusiastic about working for their company, so be sure to end your letter on that note. A simple, Im looking forward to your call can suffice, but its even better if you set plans for future contact. Instead of asking them to call you, tell them youll be doing the calling and be specific name a time and date for your follow-up.Cover letters are more than a fancy introduction for your resu me, theyre a partner in your job-seeking process. Take advantage of this powerful tool and youll soon find employers competing for your attention.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Many Types of Software Testing Methods

The Many Types of Software Testing MethodsThe Many Types of Software Testing MethodsBefore software goes public, programmers spend hours trying to iron out every little bug. Until the product satisfies all stakeholders, it wont be available for commercial use. Huge software companies, like Google, succeed despite low-priority bugs in their software because they have patient investors and loyal anwenders. Smaller companies and startups, however, dont have that luxury. Customers expect products to do what they claim on the sales page or in the documentation. With so many options out there, they wont think twice about jumping ship if the product wastes their time and money. Therefore, software undergoes rigorous tests before release in order to highlight differences between the original concept and final outputverify the software works the way designers plannedvalidate that the end product meets customer requirementsassess features and quality Testing follows a strict blueprint to optim ize staff skills, time, and money while providing stakeholders with essential information to take the product forward. The goal is to facilitate a good end-user experience through a strong quality assurance program. With the stakes so high, QA managers are some of the top earners in the technology industry. Testing usually follows these steps Requirement analysis where managers outline a plan to put a suitable test strategy in place.Tests begin and results undergo analysis.Any defects are corrected, and the software goes through regression testing- a ordnungsprinzip to check that the program still works after modifications.A test closure report then details the whole process and the outcomes. Individuals can become certified software testers through organizations such as BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board), and ASQ (formerly the American Society for Quality). Software Testing Methods Black box and white box testing are the two fundamental methods for judging product behavior and performance, but there are other methods as well. Black box testing Also called functional or specification-based testing, this method focuses on output. Testers arent concerned with the internal mechanisms. They only check that the software does what its supposed to do. Knowledge of coding isnt necessary, and testers work at user interface level.White box testing This method uses coding know-how as part of the test procedure. When a product fails, testers go as deep into the code as necessary to find the cause. The software developers do this themselves since they determine how the product should work. Structure-based and glass box testing are other names for this method. Static testing Testers examine the softwares code and documentation but dont execute the program. Static tests start early in the products development during the verification process.Dynamic testing The software is executed with various inputs, and test ers compare outputs with expected behavior with this method.Graphical user interface testing This tests GUI characteristics such as text formatting, text boxes, buttons, lists, layout, colors, fonts, font sizes, and so on. GUI testing is time-consuming, and third-party companies often take on the task instead of developers. Test Levels Different levels of testing are used to identify areas of weakness and overlap in each phase of the software development lifecycle. Unit testing Developers test the most basic parts of code like classes, interfaces, and functions/procedures. They know how their code should respond and can make adjustments depending on output.Component testing Other names are module or program testing. Its similar to unit testing but contains a higher level of integration. Modules of the software are tested for defects to verify their individual function.Integration testing This identifies errors when modules are integrated. Different integration tests are bottom up, top down, and functional incremental. System testing Components of a project are tested as a whole in different environments with this method. It falls under the black box method and is one of the final tests in the process. It determines if the ordnungsprinzip functions as it should to meet geschftlicher umgang and user needs.Alpha testing Internal staff test the software at the developers site in a simulated or actual environment. After that, developers rectify bugs and other issues.Beta testing Also known as field testing, clients test the product on their own sites in real conditions. Clients may offer a group of end-users the opportunity to test the software via prerelease or beta versions. Feedback on possible improvements is then sent to the developer. Acceptance testing Also under the scope of black box testing, clients test software to find out if the developer has created the program to desired specifications. Test Types Different types of software tests are design ed to focus on specific objectives. Installation testing The software test engineer and the configuration manager conduct this test to ensure the end user can install and run the program. It covers areas like installation files, installation locations, and administrative privileges.Development testing This implements a range of synchronized strategies to detect and prevent defects. It includes static code analysis, peer code reviews, traceability, and metrics analysis. The aim is to reduce risks and save costs.Usability testing User experience comes under the spotlight with this test. It measures how well the GUI is designed and its ease of use. The test checks accuracy and efficiency of functions and the emotional responses of test subjects. Sanity testing This indicates if the software is worth the time and cost to continue further tests. If there are too many flaws, more aggressive tests wont follow.Smoke testing Smoke testing reveals basic failures that are serious enough to pre vent release. When this is carried out on a new build, it is called a build verification test.Regression testing When the system undergoes modification, regression testing monitors unexpected behavior. It points out adverse effects on modules or components. Destructive testing Testers input abnormal entries and discern the softwares ability to manage unexpected input. This shows developers how robust the program is at error management.Recovery testing When hardware or other functions fail, this test shows how well the software can recover and continue operation.Automated testing This performs functions difficult to implement manually. It uses specific software to run the tests and to provide data on actual versus expected outcomes.Compatibility testing Software must run in different computing environments, so this checks compatibility with different systems. For example, does the software work with various operating systems and web browsers? Performance testing This is an in-depth t est that examines software performance in different scenarios. Information about responsiveness, stability, resource allocation, and speed is gathered. Moreover, subtests such as volume, capacity, and spike testing play a part in this process.Security testing This measures the softwares ability to protect users security. This means authorization functions, authentication, confidentiality, integrity, availability, and nonrepudiation.Accessibility testing This is notlage the same as usability testing. This determines the extent to which users of differing abilities- learning and physical disabilities included, can use the software. Internationalization and localization testing Results show how the software can adapt to different languages and regional demands. This includes adding components for specific locations and translating text.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Creating Certainty in Uncertain Times

Creating Certainty in Uncertain TimesCreating Certainty in Uncertain TimesWe all like predictability because it makes life easier. From knowing the sun is going to rise in the morning to the regularly scheduled time of our favorite show, the predictable elements of life give us a sense of calm. Its one less thing we have to worry about. On the flip side, uncertainty in our lives can be stressful. Not knowing whats around the corner often leads to fear. This fear can be psychologically paralyzing, particularly when it comes to the job search. The loss of a job or the experience of career transition is a big shock to the brain. The loss of your daily routine, commute, work space, and social contacts is nerve wracking. Your first order of business should be to restore ansicht elements in your life as best you can and then start thinking about how to get yourself out there in a deliberate and focused way. Creating certainty in these uncertain economic times requires establishing structur e, knowing yourself, and creating a plan.Establish a Simple Structure Your job is now getting a job, so you need to treat it that way. Take the time to create some basic guiderails to help keep you on track. Revisit the core elements of your former routine and consider which ones you can recreate. You may want to replace your commute to the office and morning planning with a drive to your local coffee shop where you read the paper and make your list of job search activities for the day. The idea is to get yourself into a structured routine to keep you active and productive. Its very easy to fall prey to having too much time on your hands and spiraling into the psychological trap of self-doubt and procrastination.Get to Know YourselfIt may sound a bit clich, but only you have the capacity to really know yourself. The challenge is actually making the time and committing the energy to do so. Famous psychologist Carl Jung once said, who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens. Cr eating certainty starts with developing a keen sense of who you are, what you need, and where you want to go. We all have our internal drivers that manifest themselves through our daily actions. Understanding those internal drives will help you harness the essence of who you are and direct that energy in a positive way. Take the time to ask yourself the following questions and be sure to articulate the answers in a way a stranger would understandWhat are my personal values or guiding principles?What are my intrinsic assets and natural strengths?What are my true passions?From recent graduates to corporate executives, everyone I have ever worked with struggled with answering these questions because they never took the time to really think about them. Consider this an opportunity to take a step back and engage in the kind of introspection that your hectic work schedule never allowed before.Create a YOU PlanJust as every NFL coach has a game plan for Sundays, you should have a you plan for your career. Nobody can predict the future, but you can certainly plan for it. Planning is the single greatest way to build certainty into an uncertain life, yet most of us dont spend enough time doing it. Ask yourself the following questionsWhat is my long-term career and life vision?What are the necessary interim accomplishments required to get there?What short and long-term goals do I need to set?What kind of time frame do I need to commit to?Once you have answered these questions, the next step is to put it in writing and commit to taking action. Draw a map, make a list, create a graph, or do whatever you are comfortable with. The idea is to have a destination and a basic roadmap for getting there. Make sure to put it in a prominent place where you can check it every day. Having a plan to fall back on as a reference point is a great way to restore a sense of certainty when the anxiety of uncertainty starts creeping up.